Sunday, February 18, 2007

Strummer's Quilt

Along the road to collecting fabric for Ani's Quilt, I stumbled across a great yahoo group called OHGWQ, which stands for "One Hundred Good Wishes Quilt". It is full of people who are also collecting fabric for their children's good wishes quilts. I joined several, ok, way too many fabric swaps through this group and have been having a blast making quilts with all of the squares. One of the swaps I participated in was a boys fabric swap. I joined this with the intent of making Ian and Strummer both quilts with the material. So far, I have only made Strummer's. I have used some of the fabrics in other fun projects too. Here is Strummer's first quilt.

1 comment:

Unknown said...


I have just discovered that you prepare also a quilt with the 100 wishes (Bai Jai Bei) for your small princess.
This tradition is really superb, especially when the patchwork is your hobby.
I discovered it after the arrival of our small Shani, but as it is never too late for making well, I began to it his last November.

We are, so far, with 46 pieces and the assembly is already quite advanced.

It is really comic and moving to see my sweet Shani very glad to receive these small fabric ends which arrive of a little everywhere...
She makes besides patch with her way by laying out my falls of fabric using magnets on the fridge’s door.

It is thus with a very great pleasure that I will exchange wishes for your small daughter.

I miss just the address to which I can send the invaluable fabric end accompanied by his wishes.

Waiting for your news, get well !

Best regards,
